VitaBuns with Fillings

Healthy and filling buns good for merienda or baon!

Curry Langka
Monggo at Kamote
Apple Banana


Pre-heat the oven to 350 F. Combine wheat flour, powdered milk, and salt in a bowl. Mix well then add the vegetable oil.


In a separate bowl, combine yeast, sugar and fresh milk. Mix well and let the yeast bloom for about 10 mins or until it forms a creamy foam on the surface.


Add the egg and yeast mixture in the flour mixture then mix well. Once the ingredients are well incorporated transfer to a work surface.


Knead the dough until smooth then let it rest for 10-15 mins.


Cut and portion the dough using a 1 cup measuring cup then roll into balls. Flatten the ball then add a table spoon of the filling. Mold the dough into a ball again. Cover and proof the dough for 40 mins.


Bake the healthy buns for 30-35 mins or until golden brown.


Remove from the oven then brush with butter. Serve

Curry Langka

In a pot, saute garlic, onion and green chillies. Add in curry powder, fish sauce and langka then stir.


Add the coconut cream and water then season with salt and pepper. Simmer until almost all the liquid has reduced. Set aside aside and cool!

Monggo at Kamote

In a pot, combine monggo beans and water and sugar. Boil for 10 mins then simmer until the monggo is cooked and tender. Add water if needed.


Once the monggo is tender add the kamote. Simmer until the kamote is tender. Mash the mixture until smooth or your preferred consistency. Add the butter then season with salt. Mix well! Set aside and cool!

Apple Banana

In a pot, combine red apple, water, brown sugar and star anise. Boil until the apple is tender or until the liquid has reduced to sauce consistency.. Remove the star anise


Once the apple is tender, combine with the bananas and butter then mash together until incorporated. Set aside and cool!