Ginataan na Mochi Halo-Halo


Cut kamote and taro into small cubes and slice the saba into diagonal slices. Soak in individual bowls of water.


Place water and coconut cream in a pot over medium heat and allow to boil. (NOTE: If using fresh coconuts, coconut cream is the first squeeze of the extracting process called kakang gata. The second squeeze that is more watered down and thinner in consistency is coconut milk or the regular gata. In cooking, the coconut milk is used first when boiling.)


Once the coconut mixture is boiling, add the taro pieces and continue boiling for about 20 – 25 minutes, until taro softens. Add sweet potato and cook for another 10 – 12 minutes until softened.


Add banana slices and tapioca pearls. Boil for 5 – 8 minutes. (NOTE: the kakang gata or fresh coconut cream may now be added at this stage)


Pour in refined sugar and stir to dissolve. Add sweetened jackfruit and Regent Mochi Assorted pieces then mix together. Cook until thickened. Adjust sweetness as necessary.


Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Rest ginataan for 5 minutes before serving.