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Chicken Binakol

Yields1 ServingTotal Time40 mins

Satisfy your cravings with chicken binakol—a delightful concoction of coconut-infused broth and succulent chicken, delivering a taste of tropical comfort.

 3 tbsp cooking oil
 4 garlic cloveschopped
 1 red onionchopped
 1 tbsp gingerchopped
 4 stalks tangladcut in 1 inch length and pounded
 1 whole chickencut into serving pieces
 1 tbsp patis
 black pepperto season
 1 cup bell pepper
 1 ½ cups young coconut meat
 3 cups young coconut water
 2 cups chicken broth
 1 small green papayawedged
 1 cup sili leaves
 whole, hollowed-out buko for serving

Heat cooking oil. Fry chicken pieces until golden brown and set aside.


In the same pot, saute onion and garlic. Add ginger and cook for 1 minute.


Add the chicken back. Season with patis


Add young coconut water, chicken broth, tanglad and papaya. Allow to boil for 30 minutes.


Mix in red bell pepper and young coconut meat. Simmer for 5 minutes.



Turn the heat off, and then transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with steamed rice.