Buko Salad Maja

Prepare mold

Grease a large baking tray/mold with butter.

Mix maja Batter

In a large pot/wok, combine coconut cream, cream, condensed milk, sugar, evaporated milk, buko juice, and buko strips. Mix well.

Sift in cornstarch

Use a strainer to sift cornstarch into the mixture. Add in vanilla extract. mix well until everything is well dissolved without any lumps before turning flame to medium-low.

Add fruit cocktail

Add in fruit cocktail with syrup. Mix until everything has been mixed through into the cornstarch mixture and has returned to being thick.

Mix in kaong

Mix in both colors of kaong until the colors are evenly distributed.

Pour into mold

Pour thick maja mixture into the prepared mold. Smooth out the surface and spread evenly.

Refrigerate and serve

Refrigerate until firm and set. Turn over onto a greased banana leaf and cut into the desired shape and pieces.