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Makes 8 servings
Preparation and cooking time: 1 hour and 15 minutes


Seafood Stock:
8 – 10 cups chicken broth
2 pieces bay leaves
¼ kilo halaan clams, cleaned
¼ kilo squid, sliced into rings
¼ kilo shrimp, shelled and deveined but with tail

Salt, to taste
4 tablespoons atsuete oil
½ cup chorizo, chopped
¾ cup chicken thigh fillet
¼ cup red onions, minced
2 tablespoons garlic, minced
1 cup red bell peppers, diced and divided
2 teaspoons smoked paprika
½ cup canned crushed tomatoes
¼ cup tomato paste
2 teaspoons kasubha
2 cups rice
2 tablespoons cuttlefish/squid ink
½ cup peas
½ cup baguio beans
Lemon Slices
½ cup kinchay leaves


Seafood Stock:
1. Bring chicken stock to a boil and add bay leaves. Add halaan clams then simmer until clams are cooked and opened. Remove from stock. Repeat for squid.
2. Add shrimp heads and shells to broth and crush them to extract more flavor reduce liquid to about half. Keep seafood stock warm and set aside.

1. In a paella pan over medium-high heat, sprinkle salt and atsuete oil. Sauté chorizo, chicken and shrimp meat until shrimp is cooked. Remove shrimp. Continue sautéing until chicken has developed a deep brown color then remove chicken and chorizo from pan. Add onions, garlic, and ½ cup red bell peppers and sauté until aromatic.
2. Add smoked paprika, crushed tomatoes, and tomato paste. Continue cooking until toasted and very aromatic.
3. Deglaze pan with seafood stock. Add kasubha and bring to a boil. Add rice and cuttlefish ink then stir to spread evenly. Allow to simmer for a few minutes. Cook on high heat for 10 minutes then reduce heat. Add peas and baguio beans and lightly mix it in. Continue cooking for 6 minutes.
4. Arrange cooked shrimps, chicken, chorizo, clams, squids, and bell peppers on top of the rice. Cover in foil and continue cooking on low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and rest covered for 5 more minutes.
5. Top with lemon wedges, remaining red bell peppers, and kinchay leaves. Happy eating!

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