Glenfiddich, the World’s Most Awarded Single Malt Scotch Whisky is looking to inspire Filipinos to step out of their comfort zone and break borders by bringing its Where Next Campaign to the Philippines. Glenfiddich is looking to boost the Filipino spirit in elevating themselves and creating meaningful growth in the world through this campaign.
Being the World’s Most Awarded Single Malt Scotch Whisky says a lot about how much we constantly push ourselves out of our comfort zone to be better. We believe everyone possesses this Maverick spirit – one that inspires them to always look at ways to improve, aiming for the next stage in their personal and professional growth,” said Brett Bayly, Regional Brand Ambassador for Glenfiddich in Southeast Asia.
Central to this campaign are the Mavericks, everyday people who forge their own paths and challenge themselves in creating impactful change in the world. Filipino’s unique combination of creativity, adaptability, and compassion is the trait that sets them apart from the other mavericks.
These Filipino Mavericks were introduced at the Where Next Club launching last November 15, which was attended by the media and key opinion leaders as the Mavericks discuss and present their endeavors and creations. Mentors from select industries gave insights and ideas on how these ventures could break through in the world and transform cultures beyond our borders.
These spirited champions are chosen to inspire the audience with their unique and particular ventures that represent strong values that define Filipinos as people. Bayanihan, Diskarte, Aruga, Likha and Katha are the values that will be represented by the Mavericks. These outstanding individuals are Gil Bien of Cuboid (bayanihan), Ma Leonelle – De Leon Sandoval of Evegrocer (diskarte), Reginald Phelps Laguna of Cleenvent (aruga) and Bernadette De Los Santos of BidiBidi Enterprise (likha and katha).

This Where Next initiative will wrap up with a culminating event recognizing the top Maverick, whose idea is most sustainable, valuable, and groundbreaking to break into the world.
To access more information on Glenfiddich and the Filipino Mavericks, follow Glenfiddich on its Instagram page (@glenfiddichsea).
Note: This is a press release. Edit have been made by the Bitesized.ph editorial staff
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